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How much does careington dental insurance cost?

Savings plans start at $89 annually. The rates are competitive no matter your choice, so you need to evaluate your coverage needs first. If you’re looking for the best dental insurance, check out the most common Careington plan — the 500 Dental Savings Plan. This plan includes: 20% to 60% savings on routine dental procedures.

What is careington 500 dental savings plan?

Careington 500 Dental Savings Plan offers the deepest discounts. Members save 20 percent to 60 percent on routine dental procedures and 20 percent on orthodontic services, including braces. Careington Discount Dental Plan has the most extensive dental provider network. Members save 5 percent to 60 percent on most routine dental procedures.

Does careington offer a dental savings plan?

Take a look at a few products you’ll find through Careington. This plan offers an average of 20% to 60% off of standard fees for most dental procedures, including routine exams, teeth cleaning for both adults and children and root canals. The 500 Dental Savings Plan also offers 20% off of orthodontics such as braces.

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